Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Southwest offers birthday sale starting at $40 one-way

Southwest offers birthday sale starting at $40 one-way

Southwest Airlines is saying happy birthday to you with its 40th Anniversary sale offering fares starting at $40 one-way.

Southwest Airlines

For the next 72 hours or so, customers can purchase one-way tickets for $40, $80, or $120 to select destinations, based on length of travel.

 One-way fares are $40 for travel up to 450 miles; $80 for travel between 451 and 1,250 miles; and $120 for travel more than 1,251 miles, fares are $120 one-way. The fares are good for travel from Aug. 23 to Nov. 16.

Morning Deals: Southwest Fare Sale

And it's a twofer for Baltimore travelers since Southwest is offering a parallel sale with its new subsidiary AirTran, with fares starting at $40 one-way.

"This is the first time that I can remember in my 30 years of tracking airfares that I have seen airfares from over 100 U.S. cities as low as $40 one-way," said Tom Parsons, editor of online travel site BestFares.com.

From Baltimore, a $40 one-way ticket will get you to Albany, Boston, Buffalo, Cleveland, Hartford, Long Island, Manchester, Newark, Norfolk, Pittsburgh, Providence or Raleigh/Durham.

Southwest's sale does not include travel on Fridays and Saturdays and has a few blackout dates: Sept. 1, 5, 6 and Oct. 10. Taxes and government fees are additional. Tickets must be purchased by 11:59 p.m. on June 23.


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Mengapa Memilih Apartemen?

Mengapa memilih apartemen ???

Apartemen adalah blok bangunan yang di dalamnya terbagi-bagi dalam sejumlah ruang atau unit, yang dipasarkan secara strata-title (Satuan Rumah Susun) atau disewakan. Di luar itu, ada juga istilah kondominium yang juga merujuk kepada apartemen. Keduanya pada dasarnya sama pengertiannya. Yang membedakan hanya istilahnya. Kondominium adalah penguasaan beberapa atau sejumlah orang atas sebuah properti atau bangunan besar. Jadi apartemen lebih menunjuk ke pengertian fisik, sedangkan kondominium merujuk kepada hak atau istilah legal.
baca juga:

Apartemen Paling Strategis di Kota Depok

Apa pun itu, bagi kalangan muda sebenarnya tinggal di apartemen adalah pilihan paling tepat. Pasalnya, orang muda masih sangat produktif dan mobile. Waktu di rumah praktis hanya untuk beristirahat atau tidur dan momong anak. Jadi, tidak banyak waktu untuk merawat rumah, menjalankan hobi, atau mengisi waktu luang di rumah. Karena itu hunian yang paling tepat adalah praktis dan tidak membutuhkan banyak keterlibatan pemilik untuk merawatnya. Dan hunian seperti itu adalah apartemen.

Selain itu lokasi apartemen biasanya di tengah kota yang dekat dengan berbagai pusat kegiatan (bisnis, komersial, pendidikan/kampus, kesehatan, hiburan, dan lain-lain). Untuk pasangan muda yang mobile namun penghasilannya belum begitu tinggi, situasi ini cocok karena dengan tinggal di apartemen, mereka tidak harus mengeluarkan biaya transportasi yang besar. Anggota keluarga pasangan muda pun masih sedikit. Anak, kalaupun ada, masih balita. Jadi tidak perlu hunian yang besar. Apartemen 36 m2-45 m2 pun cukup.

Selain itu, dengan tinggal di apartemen di dalam kota, pasangan muda juga lebih mudah mengatur waktu untuk anaknya yang masih kecil, yang masih butuh perhatian ekstra orangtuanya. Di negara-negara maju seperti Jepang, sekitar 60 persen penduduk usia produktifnya tinggal di apartemen di dalam kota, sehingga pusat kota memadat. Untuk itu pemerintah memberi insentif berupa keriganan pajak, subsidi bunga, regulasi, dan lain-lain. Sementara kalangan yang lebih tua dan mapan, terserah mau tinggal di mana, di dalam kota di apartemen atau di rumah biasa di pinggir kota yang lebih jauh dari pusat kota dan sedikit populasinya.

Di Indonesia, situasinya terbalik. Kalangan berusia produktif yang mobilitasnya masih tinggi dan tidak punya waktu mengurus rumah, justru tinggal di pinggir kota sehingga tidak efisien. Padahal, penghasilan mereka masih bertumbuh. Sementara kalangan mapan dan berpenghasilan besar tinggal di dalam kota. Tidak ada kebijakan atau insentif pemerintah untuk membalikkan keadaan itu. Pengembangan apartemen diserahkan begitu saja ke mekanisme pasar.

Baca Juga :
Apartemen terdekat dengan Universitas Indonesia Depok

Akibatnya, yang dipasarkan pengembang hanya apartemen untuk kalangan menengah atas dan apartemen mewah yang hanya terjangkau kalangan mapan. Apartemen identik dengan hunian eksklusif  untuk kalangan terbatas, bukan berfungsi mengendalikan penyebaran penduduk, mengefisienkan mobilitas, mengurangi kemacetan, dan pemborosan energi, meminimalisir degradasi kualitas lingkungan hidup, dan seterusnya. Ini kelemahan pengembangan permukiman di kota-kota di Indonesia. Tidak memiliki urban concept. Di negeri ini tidak ada semacam menteri perumahan dan pengembangan kota. Yang ada hanya menteri pembangunan perumahan.

Sejak lima tahun terakhir, sudahbanyak pengembang yang berinsiatif menawarkan apartemen menengah seharga hingga Rp 600 jutaan yang terjangkau kalangan muda di tengah kota, tanpa harus menunggu insentif pemerintah. Setelah itu juga ramai penawaran rumah susun sederhana hak milik (rusunami) yang harganya lebih murah lagi, bahkan mendapat pembebasan pajak dan subsidi bunga kredit dari pemerintah.

Kesempatan ini seharusnya dimanfaatkan kalangan muda untuk mulai menjadikan apartemen sebagai alternatif hunian. Paling tidak sebagai hunian pertama. Kelak setelah penghasilan mulai mapan, anak-anak mulai besar, aktivitas dan kebutuhan ruang keluarga tidak mampu lagi ditampung di apartemen, barulah mereka pindah ke rumah biasa (landed residential) yang lebih besar di pinggir kota. Unit apartemen bisa disewakan kepada pasangan yang lebih muda. Bagaimanapun harus diakui, bagi sebagian orang membina keluarga dan membesarkan anak yang paling baik tetaplah di rumah biasa (landed house), kendati pendapat itu masih menjadi perdebatan.

Hanya saja memang, tinggal di apartemen menuntut sikap yang rasional, efisien, simpel, praktis, dan mandiri. Tenggang rasa pun harus lebih tinggi karena tetangga kita tidak hanya di sampung kiri dan kanan tapi juga di atas dan di bawah. Menerima tamu dan mengundang kerabat pun tidak bisa lagi sesukanya seperti di rumah. Bukan hanya karena bisa menganggu tetangga tetapi kapasitas setiap unit apartemen sangat terbatas. Jadi kalau mau ngumpul, kita harus melakukannya di ruang pertemuan yang disediakan di setiap apartemen. Di apartemen, kita juga tidak bisa berkebun atau memelihara pohon seenaknya kecuali pohon yang moveable di dalam toples atau pohon yang ditanam dengan sistem hidroponik.

Mengoleksi barang pun harus diperhitungkan karena kalau terlalu banyak, tidak mungkin ditempatkan semua di unit apartemen. Sementara menaruhnya di koridor setiaplantai adalah terlarang karena selain mengorupsi hak bersama, juga berbahaya. Kalau terjadi keadaan darurat, barang-barang itu akan menganggu mobilitas penghuni apartemen yang menyelamatkan diri atau evakuasi.

Pendeknya, tinggal di apartemen adalah budaya komunal modern, rasional yang menghormati kemajemukan. Dalam sistem budaya itu ada tenggang rasa, tapi tenggang rasa yang dituangkan dalam aturan tertulis berikut sanksinya yang disusun dan disepakati semua penghuni melalui Perhimpunan Penghuni Rumah Susun (PPRS). Aturan itu dirumuskan dan diawasi bersama pelaksanaanya, berlaku untuk semua penghuni dari sistem budaya apapun dan tidak tergantung pada tokoh panutan.

Masyarakat kita sebenarnya sudah akrab dengan budaya komunal itu, tapi budaya komunal tradisional yang homogen-paternalistik. Dalam sistem budaya ini, ada tepa salira, tapi sifatnya tidak tertulis, longgar, lebih ditujukan kepada penganut sistem budaya yang sama dan penerapannya tergantung patron. Karena itu, di kota yang warganya terdiri dari banyak etnis dan individualistis, budaya itu memerlukan penyesuaian agar bisa diterapkan dalam relasi sosial.

Terlebih-lebih di apartemen yang konsentrasi manusianya begitu tinggi, ratusan orang berdiam di atas tanah dan bangunan yang sama, menggunakan fasilitas yang sama. Ketidakpedulian yang satu bukan hanya menganggu yang lain tapi bisa mengancam keamanan seisi apartemen. Bahkan pertengkaran anak-anak atau acara memasak yang terlalu hot di apartemen Anda cukup membuat pusing tetangga. Berkaitan dengan itu, sejumlah hal perlu kita perhatikan dan pahami bila hendak membeli dan menghuni apartemen.

Artikel terkait :

Soft Lauching Pembangunan Taman Melati Margonda

Sejarah Pendidikan Kota Depok 

Mengapa banyak yang memilih tinggal di Apartemen 

Apartemen Strategis terdekat dengan UI Depok

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Scream 4

‘Scream 4′ Premieres In Hollywoodscream 4

At long last … we are just DAYS away from the release of the much-anticipated sequel film Scream 4 and last night all of the stars of the franchise (both old and new) convened at Grauman’s Chinese Theater in Hollywood, CA for the World Premiere of the film! Scream veterans Neve Campbell, Courteney Cox and David Arquette were joined by new comers Emma Roberts, Hayden Panettiere, Adam Brody and more on the red carpet in celebration of the revival of the Scream franchise. Check out some of the photos from the red carpet arrivals below.

I really cannot believe that Scream 4 is almost finally here. It seems like AGES since we first heard the movie was in the works … and even ages longer since we last saw a Scream film in theaters. I am so beyond exciting, I can’t even tell you. It’s so great to see the growing Scream cast altogether … but my excitement has to end there. I ain’t reading NOTHING about this film … not until I get to see it for myself. I will deffo be seeing it as early as possible on opening day this Friday (if not sooner) so … I just gotta bide my time and make it thru the home stretch. We are almost there … Scream 4 … can you believe it?

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

mega millions

Mega Millions winning numbers worth $172 million

mega millions
New Jersey's lottery players will be thinking green two days before St. Patrick’s Day. A whole lot of green.
The grand prize in Tuesday’s Mega millions drawing stands at $172 million. A winner would have the choice to take annual payments of roughly $6 million for 26 years or walk away with a cash option lump-sum payment of $108.9 million.
In this past Friday night's Mega Millions drawing, there was no jackpot winner, but according to lotterypost.com, 11 lucky players matched the first 5 numbers for a $250,000 prize, one of them coming from New Jersey.
The 40-year-old New Jersey Lottery outdoes many other states’ comparable operations in sales and in the amount of revenue it provides to the state. In 2010, despite a poor economy that has hurt casino and racetrack gambling, the state lottery broke all of its previous revenue records.
10, 11, 12, 28, 43 and Mega ball 45
In June 2010 the state Treasury Department and acting director of the state Lottery Commission, Carole Hedinger announced that total profits for the previous 12 months had exceeded $2.6 billion for the first time.
Not all states shared such good fortune: The Press of Atlantic City reported last year that a study by the Rockefeller Institute for Government, based in New York, found in the same period that some lotteries, such as those in Oregon and West Virginia, lost as much as 15 percent of their revenue. Neighboring Pennsylvania, which has expanded casino gambling, saw a drop last year, too, of about $22 million, or nearly 1 percent of revenue.
But money can create just as many problems as it solves if you’re not careful. There are too many stories of people winning the lottery which turn into nightmares.
Craig Wallace, a senior funding officer for a company that buys lottery annuity payments in exchange for lump sums, told bankrate.com, "In New Jersey, they manipulate the reality of the situation to sell more tickets. Each winner takes a picture with a check that becomes a 3-foot by 5-foot stand-up card. The winner is photographed standing next to a beautiful woman and the caption reads: 'New Jersey's newest millionaire.'"
Evelyn Adams won the New Jersey twice in 1985 and 1986, for a total of $5.4 million. Today the money is all gone and Adams lives in a trailer.
"Everybody wanted my money. Everybody had their hand out. I never learned one simple word in the English language — 'No,' said Adams.
Tuesday's Mega Millions jackpot will be the 12th drawing since the last jackpot prize winner. If no one wins on Tuesday, Friday’s Mega millions drawing could conceivably approach $200 million.

Snoop Dogg

Snoop Dogg Delivers Big Laughs at Trump Roast

Snoop Dogg
Snoop Dogg delivers big laughs at Trump's roast, while 'The Situation' falters.
Snoop Dogg made a mockery of a multi-millionaire Tuesday night, delivering enormous laughs from a crowd waiting to see the big business tycoon go down in flames.
Snoop Dogg, Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino, Lisa Lampanelli, Seth Greene, Marlee Matlin, Larry King, Jeffrey Ross and Whitney Cummings were all present to roast the wig-filled Trump--and most were hilarious.
''I wish I had half your money but for that you need a 20-year-old's pu**y and a divorce lawyer,'' said Snoop Dogg.
''Donald's saying he wants to run for president and move into the White House. Why not,'' he continued. ''It wouldn't be the first time you've pushed a black family out of their home.''
Jersey Shore star Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino was less than stellar when he took the stand, delivering awful quip after awful quip.
"Maybe comedy ain't my thing," Sorrentino said after the roast.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


HOW TO: Actually Get Something Done At SXSW

Mark Gilbreath is the Co-Founder and CEO of LiquidSpace the mobile application that helps anyone find a great space to work now.
Despite the unending stream of party invites, panels, and events, major events like SXSW are ruled by the people who actually come to work. These are the people who want to get things done, to achieve, and to produce. Even the most hyped conferences still need that element of “get ‘er done.”
The actual work that happens at conferences is, by design, quieter and more humble — off the public record and off the beaten path. It is there, it’s just never in your face. Robert Scoble hit the nail on the head with his “micro SXSW” post back in January: The real work of SXSW happens in small groups, on the fly — and it rarely gets tweeted about.
The truth is that the people who can effectively work at SXSW are the people who benefit the most from the conference. Deals get done at SXSW; partnerships formed, term sheets accepted, acquisition plans hatched. Entrepreneurs ideate and gestate new companies. Code is hacked, sales are closed, hires are made, press are briefed and new clients are won.
This post outlines five basic things that you can do to actually get things done amidst the insanity.

1. Find a Great Space

My company has put together some “pop-up” spaces at SXSW to support mobile workers here. But, there are plenty of other options too.
The most commonly-used conference hacks for workspace include coffee shopping (uncomfortable, but immediate) coworking (depending on availability and location) and hotel rooming (lonely and spotty on the Wi-Fi, but at least quiet). Some of the lesser-known ways to find great space include:
  • Lawyers: Most of you have lawyers, and many firms have offices in cities across the US, including Austin. Your attorney might be able to put you up. These spaces are usually swank and in the downtown core. Same goes for PR firms, design shops, and more, ask around to anyone that regularly calls on your services.
  • Private restaurant dining rooms: These can be pricey at night, but during the day it’s remnant inventory. You can go in with a few peers or colleagues and reserve these spaces for less than you’d think –- instant boardroom with top-notch service.
  • Outdoors: Austin is often beautiful in March, and it’s a common complaint that despite the weather, we spend most of our time indoors. Nearby the convention center are numerous parks and trails and micro-spaces that are perfect for a few hours of work on a bench. You’d be surprised how efficient you are when you’re gazing out on the water, or doing that bizdev meeting walking the trail around Town Lake. Take advantage of the fact that everyone needs a breath of fresh air, literally and figuratively.
It’s just as important to know the type of environment in which you get your best work done. It’s easy to focus soley on your functional space needs. Oft neglected are the human factors that have a substantial impact on your productivity like natural light, air quality, and social environment.

2. Power + Internet Access

All this talk of the great outdoors gets us to the #1 thing that thwarts productivity at SXSW and almost any other conference: The essentials. Power and Internet access can make or break you. With these firmly in hand, you can do anything, and go anywhere.
  • All the outlets occupied? Whip out a PowerSquid, make sharing possible, and meet a few new friends in the process.
  • Mobile devices: The basic DigiPower pack is only $50 and it is amazing. Backup power will save your life –- or the life of an influencer you’re spending time with.
  • MiFis and dongles: These can range from $25 to $80/month, but when hotels are running $400 a night, why risk getting screwed at the last minute when it matters most? Carrying multiple personal hotspot options with different networks isn’t redundant, it’s prudent.
  • Brain power: I carry a bevy of nuts, chocolate-covered espresso beans, Cliff bars and a large water bottle with me at all times (always enough for me and that special someone I might be meeting with). A little sustenance can make the difference between a great meeting and a sleepy one, a productive hour spent revising your presentation, and an unworkable mess of goo. Get in touch with your inner Boy Scout.
  • Sleep: I turn in early and wake up early. I beat everyone to the punch. You’d be surprised, most of the influencers and high-value prospects get up early as well, and they’re not hungover. They didn’t get to where they are by getting behind. The early morning hours of SXSW are more productive than you think. And, the best places to work get claimed early, too.

3. Your Most Valuable Asset — Attention

Don’t try working during panels. How many of you show up and are half paying attention to the content in front of you, and half paying attention to your email and/or Twitter?
Focus on one thing at a time. You’ll get more done in less time, and you’ll actually remember the key takeaways. People complain that they don’t remember the panels and blame it on quality. This is rarely the case.
Same for when you’re in a quiet space and aiming for intensity, or a deep dive. Make a clear gesture at the outset by closing your machine, and taking your phone out of a pocket and laying it to the side. This kind of non-verbal communication helps set the tone.

4. Mission Control

Tactics like auto-responders are only effective if your organization is amoeba-like, and can keep going even when you’re hunkered down.
This gets us to the next hack, something that the most skilled conference-goers long ago learned, namely, that a fully-briefed and well-prepared team back home can make all the difference. Not everyone gets to come to SXSW, but the role of those left behind is even more important than your own.
Who is triaging email? Who is responding to support queries? Who is sending calendar invites for new meetings? Who is watching Twitter, reading blog posts, and highlighting comments? Whether it’s your co-founder or an assistant, a research intern or a PM, have both brains and brawn back at home as a “SXSW prosthetic.”

5. The Lay of the Land

The first thing to do when you get to any conference is get the lay of the land. Walk the land, study a map, and get visually familiar. This will take at least an hour. You will be tempted not to do it.
Where is your panel? Are you prepared to give directions if someone wants to come to it? A quiet space to prepare beforehand? Ask yourself all the important questions and figure out those last minute directions before you’re scrambling to get somewhere.
You can win friends and fans with your knowledge, too. The fact that few people actually survey the battlefield plays in your favor in many different ways.
SXSW is expanding even more to new hotels and new venues. Even if you’ve been before, the changes each year are substantial.
If you know where you are and where you are going, you can proceed smoothly from meeting to meeting, time your arrivals, and make fuller, more productive time of the precious few hours you do have to yourself.


Don’t get caught in the hype. SXSW is about business and money, winning and losing. It comes in a candy-coated wrapper, but don’t be fooled. Know where you work best. Productivity FTW.
Some simple, good habits can make all the difference in whether you return home victorious, or depleted and empty-handed.


CLOT DYNASTY Immortalized Regional Stamp Set


CLOT DYNASTY Immortalized Regional Stamp Set
Philatelic is not some exotic species of the floral kind or long extinct animal. The term is a description of some more apparent, the art of stamp collecting. To the delight of hobbyists everywhere, Hong Kong’s CLOT is issuing a set of limited edition stamps. As part of its successful DYNASTY Collection for Fall/Winter 2010, each set includes certificate of authencity and specially designed packaging. Only 100 units will be available through purchases of over HK$ 4,000, or US$ 514.00 at JUICE boutique in Hong Kong.
JUICE – Hong Kong
9-11 Cleveland Street, Fashion Walk | Map
Causeway Bay,  Hong Kong

CLOT DYNASTY Immortalized Regional Stamp Set

CLOT DYNASTY Immortalized Regional Stamp Set

CLOT DYNASTY Immortalized Regional Stamp Set

Daylight Savings Time

Daylight Savings Time History

daylight savings time
Overnight, we celebrate the biannual ritual of resetting all our clocks so as to save daylight. Oddly, the amount of daylight continues to heed its own rhythms.
Howard Mansfield explains the origins of this odd custom (“Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?“):
This tinkering with clocks is our inheritance from a people obsessed with time. Clocks spread rapidly in early America.
But all these clocks were like many Americans themselves: individual, conforming to their own notions. There were hundreds of local times, each city setting its city hall or courthouse clock to match its own solar noon. When it was 12 p.m. in Chicago, it was 11:50 a.m. in St. Louis and 12:18 p.m. in Detroit. But that wasn’t a problem because local time was all that mattered.
That changed when the railroads began to unify the country. The railroads ran by their own time, which vexed travelers trying to make connections. Many stations had two clocks, one for railroad time and one for local time.
To eliminate the confusion, railroads took it upon themselves in 1883 to divide the country into four time zones, with one standard time within each zone. To resist could mean economic isolation, so at noon on Nov. 18, 1883, Chicagoans had to move their clocks back 9 minutes and 32 seconds. It’s as if the railroads had commanded the sun to stand still, The Chicago Tribune wrote. Louisville was set back almost 18 minutes, and The Louisville Courier-Journal called the change a “compulsory lie.” In a letter to the editor, a reader demanded to know “if anyone has the authority and right to change the city time without the consent of the people?” In an 1884 referendum, three-quarters of voters in Bangor, Me., opposed the 25-minute change to “Philadelphia time.”
One sees the same annoyance with the “compulsory lie” of daylight saving time. When it was being debated in 1916, The Literary Digest saw it as a trick to make “people get up earlier by telling them it is later than it really is.” The Saturday Evening Post asked, in jest, “why not ‘save summer’ by having June begin at the end of February?” And an Arkansas congressman lampooned the time reformers by proposing that we change our thermometers: move the freezing point up 13 degrees and a lot of folks could be tricked into burning less fuel to heat their houses.
We adopted daylight saving time (during World War I), rejected it (after the war), adopted it again (during World War II), and then left it up to the states and localities until 1966, when Congress once more decided it was a national concern. And as much as we complain and point out that it doesn’t make anyone more productive or save any energy, it persists. Almost every state has eight months of it each year and only four months of so-called standard time. As a result, today we rose with the dawn and next week we’ll be eating breakfast in darkness.
Frankly, while awakening when it’s still pitch dark outside is annoying, I’d prefer to just adopt Daylight Savings Time as Standard Time and dispense with the fiddling. Most of us would rather have that extra hour of daylight in the evening rather than the morning.